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Delicious Salmon with Roasted Asparagus


Title: Delicious Salmon with Roasted Asparagus a Perfectly Paired Dish

Salmon and asparagus cooked in one skillet with lemon and garlic is a delightful dish packed with protein and good fats.

In about 10 minutes, this fish bakes in your oven with flavors of lemon, garlic, and parsley. The greatest and simplest method to serve salmon for dinner is with All on One Pan Lemon Garlic Baked Salmon + Asparagus!

Recipe for baked salmon:

This salmon recipe has the most wonderful flavors. a single tray dinner that may satisfy a hungry crowd without the need for cookware or a stovetop to be cleaned. Could I have an AMEN?

Additionally, the ease of a one pan supper is enhanced by the added benefit of baking it WITH all of your selected vegetables, removing the risk that other pans will spill, boil over, or overcook your vegetables...or your salmon.

One-pan salmon baking techniques:

There is no need for marinating, which is what I appreciate most (and I'm sure you will, too). Because of how strong the flavors are, they are excellent for eating, coating, and baking. With only 2 MAIN flavor components, it is smothered in flavor:

·        Lemon

·        Garlic juice.

From there, you can add as much salt and pepper as you like, along with the savory addition of parsley. Once cooked to your preference, bake for an additional 8 to 10 minutes.


What You'll Need to Make This Baked Salmon Recipe:

Salmon Fillets: Select moist, nice-looking pink, fresh salmon fillets. Purchase frozen fillets that are vacuum sealed and free of freezer burn as an alternative.

Olive Oil: I prefer extra virgin olive oil, but any variety would do. Vegetable oil can also be used in its place.

Salt: Kosher salt is excellent, and I also enjoy using Himalayan pink salt.

Cracked black pepper: I have a tendency to use too much, but remember to start with a small amount and taste it before adding more.

Mince Garlic: You can either mince your own garlic or buy it already minced in oil from the shop.

Italian Herb Seasoning Blend: Any well-known brand will suffice, or you can prepare your own homemade Italian herb seasoning blend (or herbs de Provence).

Don't scrimp on the fragrant Italian ingredients when making this fish dish.

Lemon: A medium-sized lemon will do great in this recipe; if you prefer the extra sour tartness of a larger lemon, buy one.


·        Set the broiler (or grill) in the oven to high heat.

·        Use aluminum foil to line a baking sheet. A second top shelf should be placed in the oven, about 8 inches away from the heat source.

·        Salmon should be put on a sizable baking sheet.

·        Pour the lemon juice over each fish after evenly coating it with the parsley and garlic.

·        Sprinkle with salt and pepper after lightly misting with olive oil spray. Place the salmon in the center of a single layer of asparagus and greens, then top with slices of lemon.

·        Broil (or grill) the salmon for 8 to 10 minutes, depending on how well done you like your salmon (we find 8 minutes to be ideal if the oven is hot).

·        Serve these together with the asparagus, beans, and peas Crispy Smashed Potatoes!

Detailed Instructions Step by Step:

Preheat: Grease a sizable baking dish and preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Add plenty of salt and pepper to the salmon fillets before placing them on the baking pan.

Stir: Olive oil, garlic, herbs, and the juice from half a lemon are all combined. Salmon fillets should be covered in this sauce, and it should be rubbed all over the salmon's top and sides to prevent any dry patches. Top each piece of salmon with a slice of lemon that has been thinly cut from the remaining half of the lemon.

Bake: The salmon should be opaque and flaky when broken apart with a fork after baking for 12 to 15 minutes. If preferred, you can broil for the final 1-2 minutes.

Garnish: With the fresh theme or parsley if desired and serve the customers.

What Are the Five Salmon Varieties?

There are, in fact, five primary varieties of salmon. (There are actually seven different sorts in total, but only five of them are found in the United States.) They can grow to be large, weighing about 126 pounds, or they might be little, weighing around five pounds.

Depending on the season, different species of salmon dwell in freshwater, saltwater, or both. All of the five major varieties of salmon come from the Pacific region.


Sockeye salmon: The red-hued sockeye salmon is also less fatty than other species of salmon. It's a well-liked cultivar and tastes good.

King or Chinook salmon: King or Chinook salmon is extremely pricey and heavy in fat. This fish is likely to only be found in upscale fish markets or upscale dining establishments. It has a nice mouthfeel or texture.

Pink Salmon: A very little, pale species of salmon is called pink salmon. When you buy salmon in cans, it will typically be this type of salmon that is utilized in the canning process.

Chum Salmon: The roe, or eggs, of the chum salmon kind are its main selling point. They are the eggs you typically see in sushi rolls. I wouldn't buy it on its own because the name sounds disgusting, but I suppose you shouldn't judge a fish by its name.

Coho Salmon: Another common fish variety is coho salmon, which has a milder flavor than other varieties of salmon. It's that silver salmon, a "I caught one," that you most frequently see in pictures of fishermen holding up a large salmon for photographers.

Salmon: Is it healthy?

Salmon provides a lot of protein, vitamin B, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. It is also an excellent supply of animal protein, virtually a perfect amount of omega-3s (and what you'll find in most fish oil capsules), and a great source of omega-6s. It has no carbohydrates, fiber, or sugar and is lower in calories and saturated fats than many other types of red meat.

Salmon is a fantastic Meatless Monday choice and can decrease cholesterol. We eat salmon quite a bit, as you might have inferred from my assortment of recipes. (Try my Air Fryer Salmon for another fantastic meal concept.)


How to Purchase Salmon:

Salmon may be purchased easily. Just remember to do the following:

·        Make sure it doesn't smell fishy if you can smell it. Any odor of fish should not be present in fresh salmon.

·        Avoid fresh salmon with dark patches, bruises, or that appears dried out.

·        The flesh should not appear anemic or pallid, but rather should be vibrantly pigmented.

·        Make sure the packaging is tightly sealed and that it isn't torn or open if you're buying frozen or pre-packaged salmon.

·        If you're unsure, read the label and avoid products that state "color-added" or have a long list of ingredients.

·        If there is a fishmonger nearby, you may always inquire about the many varieties of salmon.

The ideal temperature for salmon baking:

When the internal temperature of the thickest section of the salmon on a baking sheet with a rim reaches 110 to 140 degrees, the salmon is fully cooked. Typically, baking or grilling takes four to six minutes each side to attain this temperature. From medium-rare to medium-well done, salmon can be prepared.

How to Tell When to Stop Baking Salmon?

There are a few ways to determine when salmon is cooked if you don't have a meat thermometer.

A slice of salmon roasts in the oven, changing color from red to pink. By slicing into the thickest section of the fish with a knife, you can determine when the fish is done. It should be starting to flake and still be slightly translucent in the center.

Tips for Baking Salmon Perfectly:

·        To avoid drying out, avoid cooking oven-baked salmon at temperatures that are too high or too low. To keep the salmon moist as it cooks, you can cover it.

·        Keeping the salmon's skin on can also assist provide a natural barrier between the fish and the heat source or serving dish, keeping the moisture inside the fish.

·        The ideal technique to bake salmon is on a slow, low heat, which also prevents it from drying out. You only need to cook salmon in the oven about 12-15 minutes. Any more and it will be dry and overdone.

How to Heat and Store:

A chunk of salmon is simple to store. Put it in the refrigerator by simply placing it in an airtight container or carefully wrapping it in foil. It will last for roughly 3 to 4 days.

Warm oven-baked salmon slowly and gently, adding a little water for moisture. Additionally, I prefer to reheat all varieties of salmon in the oven or a pan on the stove rather than the microwave because the latter method also has a tendency to cause flesh to dry out more quickly.


Enjoy the delicious Salmon healthy food recipes….. Thansk for visiting on my blog.






Delicious Salmon with Roasted Asparagus Delicious Salmon with Roasted Asparagus Reviewed by Iqbal on August 16, 2023 Rating: 5
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